2007년, 17대, 대선 출마의 변, 01,
공지사항! Notice!
2007년에 대선 출마를 하지 못하게 되었으니 비교적 한가하게 된 그래도 이곳 저곳으로 발 품 팔아 가며 다니면서 지금처럼 이메일 보내고 또 여느 때처럼 블로그에 싣고 있는 글을 쓴다고 잠잘 시간이 부족하여 하품이 입에서 떠날 날이 없는 그러나 추운 겨울 날 먹을 것이 없어서 동사 아사 하기 일보 직전에, 그것도 단지 몇몇 사람들의 성경 및 성경 속의 omnipotent and omniscient abilities of Spirits as God and Angels에 대한 몇몇 표현들에 대한 이해 부족으로 및 original essential identity of Spirits as God and Angels에 대한 이해 부족으로 및 the difference between Spirits as God and Angels and human being에 대한 이해 부족으로 및 the difference between invisible inaudible intangible above-time-space Spirits as God and Angels and physical existences in this real world에 대한 이해 부족으로 및 the difference between actual existence and imagination made by reading writings regardless of experiences에 대한 이해 부족으로, 그것도 regional racial national concepts for religion and above-human-cognition Spirits as God and Angels 등으로 인하여, Merry Christmas! 즐거운 성탄! and Happy New Year! 근하신년! 인사 드립니다,,,
인류가 멸망을 해도, 지구가 멸망을 해도, 그런 사실만으로는 Spirits as God and Angels의 능력으로 돈이 창조가 되지 않을 것이며 그 이유가 Spirits as God and Angels이, 또는 종교가, 또는 신앙이, 또는 신앙심이, 돈을 싫어하거나 또는 돈이 죄를 만들기 때문은 전혀 아닐 것이며 굳이 사람으로서 추정을 할 수 있는 이유를 말을 하자면 돈은 이 세상의 사람의 필요에 의해서 사람이 만든 것이며 비록 사람 및 우주가 창조가 된 것이 사실이라고 해도 Spirits as God and Angels이 사람과는 본질적으로 및 존재론적으로 다르기 때문에 그럴 것입니다!
천지 창조에 대한 것도 인류가 멸망을 해도, 지구가 멸망을 해도, 그런 사실만으로는 Spirits as God and Angels의 능력으로 천지가 다시 창조가 되지는 않을 것입니다. 그런데 천지 창조는 돈의 창조와 달리 지금 현재 천지창조가 되고 있는 우주로 가서 볼 수는 있지 않을까 싶습니다.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Season’s Greetings, are being sent to you from me who could not attend Year 2007 Presidential Race and so had enough or idle time, but also who always has had yawn in my mouth due to lack of sleep by walking around from this place to that place usually in SuWon City in order to write my writings about my life story and also about my proofs for the existence of Spirits as God and Angels in the sky, which have been emailed to the concerned and also uploaded into my Blogs, however, who has been in the situation to die of cold or hunger due to lack of something to eat and to go to make money, which has been caused by only several peoples’ lack of understanding for The Bible and for the several expressions for the omnipotent and omniscient abilities of Spirits as God and Angels in The Bible, and also by only several peoples’ lack of understanding for the original essential identity of Spirits as God and Angels, and also by only several peoples’ lack of understanding for the difference between Spirits as God and Angels and human being, and also by only several peoples’ lack of understanding for the difference between invisible inaudible intangible above-time-space Spirits as God and Angels and physical existences in this real world, and also by only several peoples’ lack of understanding for the difference between actual existence and imagination made by reading writings regardless of experiences, and also by lots of peoples’ understanding for regional racial national concepts for religion and above-human-cognition Spirits as God and Angels and so on!
Even in the destruction of this mankind, even in the destruction of this universe and all the things in it, money will not be created by the power of Spirits as God and Angels for those facts. The reason will not be caused by the fact whether Spirits as God and Angels, or Religion, or Belief, or The strong mind of belief, likes or dislikes money, or by the fact whether money can produce or make guilty or not. But, if the reason can be guessed from the viewpoints of human being, money can be invented by peoples for the need of peoples in this world, and also even though human being and this universe might be created by the power of Spirits as God and Angels in the sky in The Bible, Spirits as God and Angels are originally and essentially different from human being!
For the creation of this universe and all the things in it, even in the destruction of this mankind, even in the destruction of this universe and all the things in it, this universe and all the things in it will not be created by the power of Spirits as God and Angels due to those facts. But if human being can go to the place of the creation of this universe and all the things in it, he/she can see it.
따뜻한 지구가 될 때까지 계속적인 지구 온난화를 위해서, 더불어 환경 및 자연 보호를 위해서, 열심히 노력합시다!
지구의 온갖 공해 및 매연을 잘 포장하여 태양이나 명왕성으로 보내서 태워 없애거나 얼려서 영구 매장을 할 수 있는 방법도 찾도록 노력합시다!
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