도로로 ( Dororo / どろろ, 2007)
If I could act normally actors’ several actions in the movie during my journey for several years, or If I could see normally actors’ several action scenes as are in the movie during my journey for several years, believable or unbelievable, by the power of Spirits as God or Angels according to my words as the main body of lots of abnormal phenomena related to me, how could it be understood, especially considering that actors and actresses were alive or the movie did not crank in? Could it be understood as one of our traditional Shaman’s activities? Or, what else? In the last scene, if only the situation related to the lift of the dead body is really possible by the power of invisible inaudible intangible Spirits as God or Angels, not by the soul of dead human being, how could it understood? In the last scene, if only the situation related to the voice through living human’s vocal organ is really possible by the power of invisible inaudible intangible Spirits as God or Angels, not by the soul of dead human being, how could it be understood? If the voice through living human’s vocal organ is really possible only by the power of invisible inaudible intangible Spirits as God or Angels, how does it sound? How many situations can be guessed for the types of voice through living human’s vocal organ by the power of invisible inaudible intangible Spirits as God or Angels? If Christ Jesus walked on the surface of water, how could it be understood?
How many scenes had I been appeared in? What kind of transportation methods, such as instant spatial movement or visional movement or movement in dream or imaginational movement or etc and situational conversations with the concerned as something in common, by human technology or by the power of Spirits as God or Angels, considering my nine to six/eight/eleven working times as salaried man in foreign company during 10 years and one year’s teacher and university student and 30 months’ National Defense Duty since Year 1986? How? What kind of conversations? Especially, what kinds of conversations were in the bridge about the power or the existence of Spirits as God or Angels? I do not know what you know about Spirits as God or Angels or what kinds of concepts you have about Spirits as God or Angels or what kinds of relations and communications and missions you have with Spirits as God or Angels,,,as far as I know about Spirits as God or Angels, human being is originally different from Spirits as God or Angels. So, if you have some kinds of phenomena or abilities related to the power of Spirits as God or Angels, it seems to be related to the power of Spirits as God or Angels, and also the performance of the power of Spirits as God or Angels is absolutely dependent upon the will or the decision of Spirits as God or Angels, and your phenomena or abilities related to the power of Spirits as God or Angels are not related to your own power as human being’s power or abilities, even though the performance of the power of Spirits as God or Angels can be made through you by the promised method between you and Spirits as God or Angels or by the direct communications with Spirits as God or Angels. Also, if you have some kinds of phenomena or abilities related to the power of Spirits as God or Angels, there will be some kind of reasons or missions to do in this world, such as to prove the existence of Spirits as God or Angels or to tell the existence of Spirits as God or Angels. I do not know about your situations, if you have some continual communications with Spirits as God or Angels, or if you have some continual phenomena or abilities related to the power of Spirits as God or Angels, you will know it by yourself, but if your case is not that kind of case, however, it seems to be that you have some kinds of phenomena or abilities related to the power of Spirits as God or Angels, and if you want to know something about your phenomena or abilities related to the power of Spirits as God or Angels, try to do it in a remote place where nobody is with you! And if your some kinds of phenomena or abilities related to the power of Spirits as God or Angels seems to be related to someone else, ie, your case seems to happen only when someone else is with you or around you, the power of Spirits as God or Angels is related to someone else due to some purpose related to the world of Spirits as God or Angels, and the reason you are related to someone else in order to prove the power or the existence of Spirits as God or Angels is to tell you and the concerned about the power or the existence of Spirits as God or Angels. As far as I know or according to The Bible, the relation between human being and Spirits as God or Angels are dependent upon the will or the power of Spirits as God or Angels. In any case, human being cannot control the will or the power of Spirits as God or Angels.
If I say a little bit more about Spirits as God or Angels, as it is said that Spirits as God or Angels are originally existentially different from human being, and The Bible say something related to Spirits as God or Angels in the sky or in the Heaven in this world up to now, so if you read The Bible, you will know whether the concept of Japan for Spirits as God or Angels in the sky is similar to the concept of Spirits as God or Angels in The Bible or not. Each country has each country’s concept for Spirits as God or Angels, but I do not know whether it is correct or not. Our country has several traditional religions and also several concepts for Spirits as God or Angels in the sky or in the Heaven, but it is a little different from the original concept of Spirits as God or Angels in the sky or in the Heaven, and among Korean concepts for Spirits as God or Angels in the sky or in the Heaven, the natural or oral transmission concept for Spirits as God or Angels is similar to the original existential concept of Spirits as God or Angels. How to live in this world is similar to each other regardless of religion from the viewpoints of human activities except for something related to Spirits as God or Angels who are totally different from human being and human being’s soul, if you read 10 Commandments of Exodus or 2 Commandments of Matthew or what Christ Jesus tries to say or what prophet tries to say, you will know it.
In my case, if you can see something related to Spirits as God or Angels through me, even I do not know anything related to it up to now, everything is dependent upon Spirits as God or Angels. My communication with Spirits as God or Angels or my performance of the power of Spirits as God or Angels or etc could be done by the will or the decision of Spirits as God or Angels and the reason I am related to the power of Spirits as God or Angels is that human being’s cognition cannot see or hear or touch or know Spirits as God or Angels directly by himself or herself. If someone is related to me or my Spirits as God or Angels or my communication with Spirits as God or Angels or my performance of the power of Spirits as God or Angels or etc, it is to let someone to know the existence of Spirits as God or Angels through me. If we guess the reason someone is related to me or my Spirits as God or Angels or my communication with Spirits as God or Angels or my performance of the power of Spirits as God or Angels or etc totally from the viewpoints of human being, it seems to be caused by the fact that nobody believes me or what I try to say, due to lots of each one’s political or religious or economical reasons.
What is the mankind’s essential basic element to know something about Spirits as God or Angels in the sky or in the Heaven? It is to believe the existence of Spirits as God or Angels and also the words of human being who seems to be related to Spirits as God or Angels. Think about what lots of prophets did do or say in The Bible! How do distinguish real prophet or fake prophet? Think about yourself, what kinds of words can you say, if you can really communicate with Spirits as God or Angels? Or, try to read The Bible and try to know what lots of prophets did do or say in The Bible as a result of communications with Spirits as God or Angels! Is there any case to require something social from human being except for telling something to prove or to make believe the existence of Spirits as God or Angels, because human being’s cognition cannot see or hear or touch or know Spirits as God or Angels directly by himself or herself?
(The existence of Spirits as God or Angels is real, my life is real, your life real, my how to live is real, your how to live is real, my body’s limitation is real, your body’s limitation is real, also it is real that there is something to survive regardless of human body’s limitation, also it is real that the world after human body’s limitation cannot be clearly said by peoples in this world, because peoples basically can cognize something with human body’s function, even though there is a world after human being’s physical death in this world. As far as I know, human being’s soul is same with human physical body in shape, but there is not flesh at all in human being’s soul, and also there is nothing be visible audible tangible in human being’s soul.
The world of movie production can be really good job and good talent and good world to live one’s life as far as I know up to now!)
무협 영화로서 영화가 전반적으로 잘 구성이 된 것 같다. 그런데 화면이 전반적으로 어두우니 오히려 무협 영화로서의 맛이 떨어지고 배우들 사이의 대사나 대화의 연기를 볼 수 있는 맛도 떨어지는 아쉬움이 있다. 무협 영화의 보편적인 특징이 권선징악의 개념이지만 요괴 및 요괴와 사람의 모습까지 등장한 사람의 역사에서도 역시 권선징악의 개념은 벗어날 수가 없는 모양이다.
마지막 장면은 내가 말을 하는, 또는 성경에서 말을 하는, invisible inaudible intangible한 Spirits as God or Angels이 Spirits as God or Angels의 능력과 방법으로 이 세상에서의 Spirits as God or Angels의 사명을 수행하기 위해서 이 세상의 사람과 교통을 하기 위해 Spirits as God or Angels의 현신을 알리는 다수의 방법들 한 방법을 엿볼 수 있는 것이 아닌가 싶다. Spirits as God or Angels이 사람을 통해서 말을 할 때 목소리가 괴기 한 것처럼 들리는 것은 Spirits as God or Angels의 본질이 그런 것이 아니고 전적으로 Spirits as God or Angels의 능력으로 사람의 발성 기관을 움직여서 사람의 음성 및 언어로 말을 하고자 하니 그렇게 나타나는 것이고 Spirits as God or Angels의 본질은 성경에서도 여러 선지자님들이 그리고 그리스도 예수님이 말을 하고 있듯이 사람에게 또는 사람을 통해서 무엇을 말을 하고자 하는 것인가를 보면 알 수가 있지 않을까 싶다.
(the below content is not the translation of the above content.)
If I could act normally actors’ several actions in the movie during my journey for several years, or If I could see normally actors’ several action scenes as are in the movie during my journey for several years, believable or unbelievable, by the power of Spirits as God or Angels according to my words as the main body of lots of abnormal phenomena related to me, how could it be understood, especially considering that actors and actresses were alive or the movie did not crank in? Could it be understood as one of our traditional Shaman’s activities? Or, what else? In the last scene, if only the situation related to the lift of the dead body is really possible by the power of invisible inaudible intangible Spirits as God or Angels, not by the soul of dead human being, how could it understood? In the last scene, if only the situation related to the voice through living human’s vocal organ is really possible by the power of invisible inaudible intangible Spirits as God or Angels, not by the soul of dead human being, how could it be understood? If the voice through living human’s vocal organ is really possible only by the power of invisible inaudible intangible Spirits as God or Angels, how does it sound? How many situations can be guessed for the types of voice through living human’s vocal organ by the power of invisible inaudible intangible Spirits as God or Angels? If Christ Jesus walked on the surface of water, how could it be understood?
액션/판타지| 135 분| 15세 이상 관람가| 2007.10.25 개봉
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원작 데츠카 오사무 -
상상력을 자극할 요괴와 인간의 공존세계
요괴와 인간이 공존하던 시대,요괴에게 몸을 빼앗긴 비운의 남자,48개의 빼앗긴 몸을 되찾기 위해 험난한 여정에 오르다 !!어느 전란의 시대, 천하통일을 꿈꾸는 난세의 무장 다이고 카게미츠(나카이 키이치)는 48마리의 요괴들에게 힘을 빌리는 대가로 태어난 지 얼마 안 된 아들의 몸을 바친다.신체의 48개 부분을 빼앗긴 채 버려진 아이는 한 주술사에게 구조돼 잃어버린 팔 대신 장검을 양 어깨에 이식 받고 ‘햐키마루’라고
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