Mr. ELs in our country
There are several Mr. ELs in this country who do not know their continuous tormenting annoying activities to other persons will lead to pains or destructions of other persons' lives. There had been several Mr. ELs in my army service period in Camp L-G-, also. Several Els usually seem to think that they are doing good things, if they think they are doing good things, even though they are making bad effects on other persons' lives due to their neglecting other persons' situations and also due to so much concerns for their own interests based on their own thoughts and decisions which have been drawn from one word or one expression or their own guidelines conversations without mutual communications. Normally they think that only they protect this country and only they preserve this society and so they should control other persons' lives who are better in lots of abilities and talents and characteristics than they from the viewpoint of management of country's human resources. But whatever good mind they have for this country and other persons who have been targeted for them, the results usually have been that they betray this country or they destruct other persons' lives due to their personal interests and due to their life styles and so on, especially by trying to control the lives of other persons and sometimes even other persons whose ability and knowledge and wisdom and intelligence and so on are better than theirs. Also sometimes they try to put other persons better than them under their control and force by using their human organizational networks. It is not blame for certain family name or certain person, but just some comments for several so-called Mr. ELs, may be some kind of social activity group or may be some kind of life styles or may be some kind of working styles, in our society. What would be their real purposes of some kinds of management or control of human resources by controlling circumstances of targeted persons including concerned intimates with social economical political interests in the name of ‘mutated’ gesellschaft or ‘mutant’ competitive world or ‘sported’ survival of fittest or and so on by unintended invisible harmful purposes for human beings and this world during certain periods? Why these kinds of serial-killer-like abnormal syndrome, which also can bring serial-killer-like phycho activities to our society, could happen in the name of Think Or Creation Or Challenge Or etc, even though our society is going to the world of abundance in knowledge, wealth, material, convenience and so on?
If some one works for some organization or certain system or certain dangerous character or certain political party, Or if some unknown words, like contract and so on, are attached to some person who is normally kind and good and conscious by the purpose of fraudulent activity of evil-devil-minded member of group in order to harm or injure or isolate socially the targeted person, as if those kinds of ridiculous activity is in our political activity or in our social activity or in our religious activity, how the targeted person and his/her life can be totally and illegally and criminally and publicly and by-human-to-human network ignored or neglected by some organization or certain system or certain dangerous character or certain political party without any notice of illegality or crime or transgression of moral laws? It is just open organizational criminal activity, as social crimes had been publicly and forcefully conducted by rank or by social status or by job or by sex or other social thing which had been made or produced or created by human being him/herself for human being.
What would be the meanings of instant world or short-time world or long-time world which had been said at my childhood according to the above situations? TO BE CONTINUED. THE. FILM. SCENARIO. OF. TEN. PRODUCTION, 20070511. JUNGHEEDEUK. 정희득.