덕명출판사 | 정희득 | 대한민국 경기도 수원시 팔달구 덕영대로 697번길 48, http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ | 사업자 등록번호 : 124-95-21006 | TEL : 010-4641-4261 | Mail : heedeuk_jung@hanmail.net | 통신판매신고번호 : 호 | 사이버몰의 이용약관 바로가기
Posted by 정희득
If there is any one who has come to Seoul City and Suwon City and DeukMyungRi of GyungSangNamDo in South Korea in order to know mankind's religion and also what has happened through me from God and Angels, i.e. Spirit, since Year 1965-77or the middle of Y