
가을에 읽기 좋은 책, 추천해주세요

푸른 하늘, 시원한 날씨! 어느새 가을이 성큼 다가온 것 같습니다. 가을은 바야흐로 '독서의 계절'이라고 하죠. 내가 가장 재밌게 읽었던 책, 혹은 감동적이거나 기억에 남는 책들에 대한 이야기들을 해봐요. 좋은 책 파란블로그에서 함께 읽어보는 건 어떨까요?

The child in the picture is not me,

but there was similar situation to me and God or Angel appears to me at that time.

It could be possible by one of normal ways of mankind or it could happen in my dream by the result of mind-reading power of God or Angel or it could happen in a way of vision by the result of mind-reading power of God or Angel.

What kind of thoughts were there?

What kind of conversations were there?

What was the principle of life regardless of the existence of God and Angels?

What was the evidence of the existence of God and Angels from a child in The Bible? What was the evidence of the existence of God and Angels from a child in the box?

What was problem of religions?

Who might seem to live up to Year 2010?

Nobody does not need to go to abroad due to me or my words or my activities. Just I have written the existence of God and Angels and the identity of God and Angels based on what has happened to or through me by the power of God and Angels. It is not directly related to one of current religions.

For example, the contents of The Bible is directly related to the contents of my current writings or what has happened to or through me by the power of God and Angels is same with those of prophets or Christ Jesus but some of some peoples' understanding about The Bible is not same with those of my current writings. Even though I have attended church service about 15 years from the time when I could not remember what has happened to or through me by the power of God and Angels at my childhood of Year 1965-76 with help of power of God and Angels or from the time when I could regard what has happened to or through me by the power of God and Angels as a kind o supernatural phenomena instead of the phenomena by the power of God and Angels, other one's words are the basic information about me and my identity and the truth of my current writings.

Even though I can remember and write about what has happened to or through me by the power of God and Angels at my childhood of Year 1965-76 with help of power of God and Angels, I cannot know information about peoples or mankind's affairs.

The Film Scenario

2011. 9. 7.


사업자 정보 표시
덕명출판사 | 정희득 | 대한민국 경기도 수원시 팔달구 덕영대로 697번길 48, http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ | 사업자 등록번호 : 124-95-21006 | TEL : 010-4641-4261 | Mail : heedeuk_jung@hanmail.net | 통신판매신고번호 : 호 | 사이버몰의 이용약관 바로가기

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Posted by 정희득