오늘의 만평 20080214,

Todays ManPyeong 20080214,

Even though anyone is not economist, he/she can guess that there would not be any economical benefits, because there will be not so many companies in the river which will transfer their productions Seoul through Pusan according to company's economical loss and gain.

Also, there would be not so many transportations which can be guessed on the highway or on the railway from the viewpoints of all kinds of movements Seoul through Pusan.

And also there would not be other additional economical developments and effects which have not any bad effects which will be larger than good effects according to what peoples say who want to make GyungBu River for unknown purposes.

To talk about lots of bad results for GyungBu River is not the issue of positive mind or negative mind or ideas or human abilities, especially Korea's human techniques, compared to the creation of the earth by the power of Spirits as God and Angels whose actual existence has been actually talked from human in South Korea from about 30~40 years ago, not by The Bible, or not in the other country. (Refer to the below)

There are lots of ideas which can be good points for making GyungBu River possible. But there are necessary requirements for lots of expenses which cannot be covered from GyungBu River itself from the viewpoints of national Key Industries and also the economical production of GyungBu River Itself.

How much water in the rivers which can be connected or used for GyungBu River? Waters for River cannot be made by human techniques up to now from the viewpoints of economical benefits. Even though Han River and Nakdong River exist as Big Rivers in South Korea, if the two rivers can be connected as GyungBu River, what kind of results can be guessed?

Will it be more rains in South Korea after GyungBu River is made? Will it be more water from the resources of water for two big rivers in South Korea after GyungBu River is made? If lots of Dams will be made, the same weather conditions or the same water resources for GyungBu River from mountains will be guessed?

If GyungBu River and lots of Dams are made regardless of the results of those constructions from the viewpoints of time period, the soil conditions of South Korea, or the Korean Peninsula, will be changed for the flow of river during four seasons? Also, it can be covered from the viewpoints of human techniques.

If we try to make lots of Dams or try to move the source of water supplies for the concerned places, where are those places in South Korea? Of course, there will lots of rivers and lands only for the viewpoints of construction of them.

But if we make lots of Dams and if we move the source of water supplies in certain places, can those Dams and the source of water supplies can be Dams and the source of water supplies for proper usage during tens of years or hundreds of years?

As a real issue for GungBu River, the expenses of which can be real policy of 17Th Government, try to think one place for Dam Construction and also new water supply like in the above, and then try to calculate the concerned expenses from the viewpoints of practical use or utility. Can there be said about the economical benefits except for the marketing purposes of GyungBu River.

If there can not be guessed about the contamination of water supplies or air pollution, the construction of GyungBu River for transportations or Dam for short waters or Water Supply for peoples future essential survival points can not be so big critical environmental issue.

But as really basic essential requirements in order to make Dams or Water Supplies or New River in the middle area of expected GyungBu River, what kinds of real requirements are in the front of the plan and also what kinds of real expenses can be calculated from the viewpoints of Key Industries and also the economical production of GyungBu River Itself

As everybody knows it, it is not the construction of building, or plant, or highway on the land, or railway on the land, or one small river which can be used for multiple purposes even after its loss of function as river, or one small dam and water supply which are not critical issues for the survival expenses in the future life in South Korea.

Can the total expenses of GyungBu River can be supplied by the politicians of HanNaRaDang or the concerned 5 companies?

Today's economical situations of peoples seem to be not so good, and many peoples know my name in different names which even I do not know, may be it can be up to at least 125 names, So, there can be lots of rumors which try to make GyungBu River to be some Rose Pink.

But its construction is so big that its difficulty can put many peoples in difficult situations and also our Government in difficult future. Politicians will leave after its govern-ship and also public servant will leave ones term of office. The results will leave in many-many peoples lives.

Who, or How, many peoples can get benefits only from the trial of construction of GyungBu River regardless of its success or failure? What kind of benefits can be obtained only from the trial of construction of GyungBu River regardless of its success or failure?

How about the opposite case, especially in case the river's function lose its roles for transportations tens of years later? How many or What kinds of businesses can be made for lives of peoples with the expenses of GyungBu River?

Even though several years are required, try to do real test or real simulation for the construction of GyungBu River.

What kind of effect will be made, if Han River and NakDong River are connected as one River? What kind of results will be known, if River is made in the middle area of GyungBu River where any water or any river is not and all the river water dry in the winter time? Is there any case in which a river of Han River size has been made in South Korea or in the Korean Peninsula, not any other area in this earth?

No rose without thorns.

(There have been lots of talks about the original existential difference between human being and Spirits as God or Angels, (i.e. human being can cognize the existence of Spirits as God and Angels, only when Spirits as God and Angels appear in human being due to existential essence), and also about the communication, which is dependent upon the will of Spirits as God or Angels, between human being and Spirits as God and Angels, (even though there are lots of responses from Spirits as God and Angels such as realization or inspiration or words like telepathy or being possessed to avoid danger or being deluded for help in case of danger, there is no intention to hurt human being who is related to Spirits as God or Angels, even though there will be destruction of all the mankind of this earth through sea water or even though there will be demolition of this earth by the power of Spirits as God and Angels like beam or ray or laser or even though there are Spirits as God and Angels who do not want it, as said during my communications with someone who introduced himself The President Of Korea or The Member of The Council of Restoration of County, (I do not know how he could understand my words about the existence of Spirits as God and Angels, civil war or invasion of other country with new weapon or invasion of alien, because the persons who had communications with me usually had had not clear concept about the identity and the power of the world of Spirits as God and Angels, including even the person who knew and talked The Bible and Saint Mary and Christ Jesus. Of course, he knew me with different name by someones trick.), and also about the purpose of the performance of the power of Spirits as God and Angels which is totally dependent upon Spirits as God and Angels to give belief to peoples who want to know Spirits as God and Angels, not a show or not a competition or not proud,,,during my life since I talked about the sky or the heaven or Some Existences or Some Beings or Some Seins or Some Things or Lord, I AM, Spirit, God, Jehovah, Yahweh, Angel,,,or since The Bible was written and all the proofs in The Bible had been proved by the selected peoples.

The communications with Spirits as God and Angels at my childhood when Spirits as God and Angels had tried some methods to prove the existence of Spirits as God and Angels by performing the power of Spirits as God and Angels in the ways of the world of Spirits as God and Angels are different from The communications with Spirits as God and Angels since my childhood, even though there exist Spirits as God and Angels in the inside of me or in the outside of me which is same situation or phenomena from the viewpoints of Spirits as God and Angels, and even though I have been protected from lots of risky situations including medical experimentation [a medical experiment] on a living body by the power of Spirits as God and Angels, and even though the power of Spirits as God and Angels can be sometimes performed by the promised method between I and Spirits as God and Angels at my childhood, as mentioned in my writings.

There are still peoples who try to test my words since my childhood or the existence of Spirits as God and Angels with their own methods, such as creation of heaven and earth, mind reading of every information related to withdrawal of money in Bank, mind reading of someone, transportation by flying from this place to other place, cure of handicapped person, and so on, as if he/she is The God of Sprits as God and Angels or The God who can control Sprits as God and Angels, who created this world and all the creatures in it. But the problem is lack of communications between I and the concerned persons for their methods which have been made as ideas based on misunderstanding The Bible and also the identity of Spirits as God and Angels, because there is another big issue that they try to make me to do all the things only with the omniscient and omnipotent power of Spirits as God and Angels since my age 40, because I talked about the existence of Spirits as God and Angels and also my communications with Spirits as God and Angels and also my appointments with Spirits as God and Angels at around my age 40 including several other times. These kinds of words were said at my childhood and at Year 1986 when I started army service and on The Day 20010816 from unknown persons who seemed to have powers to move some organizations. I do not know who they are, because there was nothing for me to know them, even though Spirits as God and Angels in the inside or outside of me in the sky could know those persons in Their Own Cognition Methods. One question to think about; if Spirits as God and Angels in the inside or outside of me in the sky can tell me about those persons through images or visions or illusions, what kinds of things can I do for me and for them from the viewpoints of solutions of human affairs?

Another question to think about; I asked a persons opinions about the method to prove the existence of Spirits as God and Angels to make peoples to believe the existence of Spirits as God and Angels at my hometown about 30~40 years ago; to walk around this village and that village with Spirits as God and Angels and then to prove the existence of Spirits as God and Angels by performing the power of Spirits as God and Angels for the persons who need some help from Spirits as God and Angels. I do not know about detailed things about my living during my journeys from this place to that place, but I would sleep at any place where I would stay during my traveling from this village to that village, and my food might be treated by myself or by the power of Spirits as God and Angels. All the things will happen with Spirits as God and Angels during my journeys from this place to that place to prove the existence of Spirits as God and Angels to make peoples to believe the existence of Spirits as God and Angels. But, peoples can see only my appearance and the result of the performance of the power of Spirits as God and Angels like cure of disease of human being, but peoples cannot see the process of cure of disease. A small example for the performance of the power of Spirits as God and Angels can be like this; if Spirits as God and Angels protect me, my fingers cannot be cut like right now, even though I made mistake during mowing or cutting grasses, but if Spirits as God and Angels do not protect me, my fingers can be cut like right now, if I made a mistake during mowing or cutting grasses, but what you can see only the cut or only the safe of my finger and you can hear my words but you cannot see anything that protect me. It is not easy for me to explain about Spirits as God and Angels in the sky, but Spirits as God and Angels are originally and existentially different from human being, and also Spirits as God and Angels are a little different from what our peoples know about The Heaven, i.e. Spirits as God and Angels are a little different from what The Buddhism says and what Confucianism says and what our traditional Shaman says, and according to what Spirits as God and Angels say, The Bible says about Spirits as God and Angels a little.

What was the answer? He did not know about Spirits as God and Angels, but as far as he got to know our society from his experiences, if peoples do not have some social positions or activities, usually what peoples say have weak influences. He did not know other things and especially about religions.

There are lots of limitations for the performance of the power of Spirits as God and Angels regardless of the power of Spirits as God and Angels mentioned in The Bible by the persons who had met and communicated and experienced Spirits as God and Angels due to existential essence or because human beings live in this world by their own talents and abilities and characteristics and so on, even though human beings and this world had been created by the power of Spirits as God and Angels.

Why? Whats the purpose? What if there is no belief in human mind?

When there is no belief for the person who talk about Spirits as God and Angels and also for the existence of Spirits as God and Angels, and also when there are lots of believers who think that he/she can influence me and my activities and my communications with Spirits as God and Angels with his/her strong belief or with his/her super-powered Spirit from Saint Mary or Christ Jesus without any belief on my existence and my words, and also when there are lots of shamans who think that he/she can influence me and my activities and my communications with Spirits as God and Angels with his/her own strong (I do not know what kind of concept about shamans own ) without any belief on my existence and my words, and also when there are lots of religious peoples who think that he/she can influence me and my activities and my communications with Spirits as God and Angels with his/her own religious (I do not know what kind of concept about shamans own ) without any belief on my existence and my words,,,actually based on wrong concepts the world of Spirits as God and Angels and also the existential essence and the identity of Spirits as God and Angels who is not related to anything about this human world including the concepts of region or race or nation or county or etc, which can be easily understood by reading The Bible truly as the communications between human beings and the world of Spirits as God and Angels without any prejudice, any bias, any preconception, any prepossession, any preconceived idea, any preoccupation related to religion and other social concepts,,,and actually based on wrong information on my existence and my words, I do not know how many names have been made for me and for my present political activity and for my present religious activities to prove the existence of Spirits as God and Angels,

If the disease of someone is cured by the power of Spirits as God and Angels without any symptom which can be cognized by human cognition ability, what kind of responses can be guessed by the peoples who can see only me and only the patient and only the result.

I gave lots of times and lots of chances to talk about me and my religious activities and my words about everything related to Spirits as God and Angels during almost 30 years. Do you know why?

My words could not be human words, because I was a child who could cognize everything in this world but who did not know lots of things about humans and social things made by humans, and also due to lots of other social reasons. I could not explain what I cognized and got to know in human language, because I did not know human language and also human knowledge and human religions. Other peoples did not have direct experiences on the existence of Spirits as God and Angels, even though they talked about the existence of Spirits as God and Angels. Several peoples tried to translate my words and my phenomena from Spirits as God and Angels into the religions which they had had since long time ago instead of believing my words as I said.

What was the result?

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