이런 곳 이런 죽음
This Kind Of Death In This Kind Of Place
What kind of words had been said about several questions from a man traveling with me and also me from this place to that place by unknown phenomena up to now, believable or unbelievable, such as instant spatial movement, vision, dream, etc by the power of Spirits as God or Angels, or by the actual transportation, considering my social careers up to now?
주산지, 저수지에 빠져 죽고, Fallen into pond to death,
무건리, 계곡에 미끄러져 죽고, Slipped down ravine to death,
덕유산, 눈에 파묻혀 죽고, Covered with snow to death,
하룽베이, 떠내려가다 죽고, Fallen into river to death,
리비아 사막의 모래 폭풍에 파묻혀 죽고, Covered with sandstorm to death,
리비아 사막의 대수로 공사 때 폭파사고로 죽고, Died of bomb explosion at the construction place of water supply at Libya Dessert
고비 사막의 모래 언덕에 미끄러져 죽고, Slipped down sand hill to death in the Gobi Desert
아프리카 부족 전쟁 때 전사하고, Died of battle between tribes in Africa.
아프리카 추장 딸 성추행으로 사형 당하고, Sentenced to death due to disgraceful[shameful, scandalous] conduct the daughter of a chief of a tribe.
마추피추에서 보물 훔친 죄로 사형 당하고, Sentenced to death due to the case to steal the valuables or treasures of MaChuPiChu
세계 각국의 왕실에서 보물 훔친 죄로 사형 당하고, Sentenced to death due to the case to steal the valuables or treasures of Royal Palace in the world.
I do not know how many times I have died of criminals or murders or accidents or wars, which have existed in the scenario of movie and drama or novel or worldwide news, which I do not know and I have never been involved in.
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