To the peoples,,,
(Refer to the bellow information.)
‘The peoples had better come to the 3rd Open Communication for the peoples who worry about the truth of the existence of God and Angels(Spirits), or the identity of God and Angels(Spirits) in Korean Peninsula and Asia and earth, or the truth of my communication with God and Angels(Spirits), or the truth of the contents of The Bible, or the truth of my current 5 years' writings, or the truth of miracles in The Bible and in my current 5 years' writings, and blog 1, 2, 3 in favorite, which will be held at 17:00 hours of Year 20100417 or at 16:30 hours of Year 20100418 in the place which is located at 1169, GaePoDong, KangNamGu, Seoul City, South Korea.’
The Open Communication for the peoples will be held even in the outside of religious organizationat least one year from Year 20100404 as mentioned at my childhood of Year 1965-77. It will be known through Internet and the concerned peoples without any social political religious interest.
I do not take this kind of activity in order to fit or adjust my life to what has been said at my childhood or in Year 1986 or in Year 20010816, but I try to do my best to escape from what has been done in the name of verification of experiments on living body and also I try to do my best in my way to tell what I have known about the world of God and Angels(Spirits) from what has happened to me from the world of God and Angels(Spirits).
Of course, this open conversation is not related to anyone's life schedule nor political schedule nor missionary works,,,based on human being's wisdom or knowledge or ability or prophecy or etc compared to the ability of the person who is with God and Angels(Spirits) or to the power of God and Angels(Spirits). (Do not forget that human being is human being and human being's physical body has one's own physical body's process from birth to death even though God and Angels(Spirits) appear to him/her and there is a kind of phenomena, such as cure of disease or whole armor or any miracle by the power of God and Angels(Spirits)). Many things that I have to do in my life have fallen into difficult situations from my childhood, because the peoples have tried to misuse my religious case and political activity for their purposes by using the information about me and also my special situation that I cannot directly belong to any kind of domestic organization due to the fact that I have to tell what I have known about the world of God and Angels(Spirits) from what has happened to me from the world of God and Angels(Spirits), because of the non-physical-material, invisible, inaudible, invisible, living, existential origin of God and Angels(Spirits) and wrong knowledge about the world of God and Angels(Spirits) and wrong knowledge about religion and wrong knowledge about human being or this world and so on,
If it is true, and if it is not a lie, and if it is not a show to gain certain social political religious purposes,
to talk about the existence of God and Angels(Spirits) is not related to any social concept of all ages and countries but to the relation mankind and God and Angels(Spirits) and also one of facts which we have to know in this world which we have not created at all and we cannot create with the technical knowledge to make space shuttle.
As Chapter 13 of Romans of The Bible says, 'Respect each other regardless of one's social commercial economical national religious status', because social commercial economical national religious activities and organizations of mankind had come from mankind's activities and mankind's activities in this world are related to the world of soul of mankind after one's physical body's death', the existence of God and Angels(Spirits) is not directly against any social life in this world except for harming o hurting o destroying other one's social activity and life.'
How can we prove the existence of God and Angels(Spirits)?
It cannot be proved in the way of one's own planned testing situation nor in the way of physical material concept but it can be proved only in the way of God and Angels(Spirits) due to the invisible inaudible intangible non-physical-material existential origin.
Whenever there is a foreigner on the place where a prophet is, there is not any dialect speaking through a prophet by the performance of power of God and Angels(Spirits).
Whenever there is a patient on the place where a prophet is, there is not any cure of disease through a prophet by the performance of power of God and Angels(Spirits).
Even though I could smell something, such as flower or shit or Kentucky Fried Chicken or others, which was impossible at that place, when some one who wanted to know the existence of God and Angels or who wanted to tell me that what I had experienced with God and Angels(Spirits) was wrong and caused by peoples' plans, there is not the same phenomena to me at the same situation by the performance of power of God and Angels(Spirits).
Something, that seems to be supernatural power or extrasensory perception or psychokinesis or being possessioned by Spirit or Ghost, since Year 1977 has been caused by the performance of power of God and Angels(Spirits) which has been caused by the promised communication method between I and God and Angels(Spirits) or which has been caused by the will of God and Angels(Spirits).
The power of God and Angels(Spirits) does not happen through a prophet especially in set-up situation to misuse the facts about God and Angels(Spirits) in order to gain any social economical political religious interests on the reason that the power of God and Angels(Spirits) has performed in the set-up situation by some one.
Believe it or not, one of the reasons that I said, 'I will write about God and Angels(Spirits) during 5 years around Year 2005 after 40 years' personal direct experiences with God and Angels(Spirits)', is that what I had said about God and Angels(Spirits) around Year 1965-77 had been understood in different religion or knowledge due to the existential origin of God and Angels(Spirits),,,
Believe it or not, one of the reasons that the promised communication method between I and the world of God and Angels in order to tell that there is a person who really wants to know the existence of God and Angels(Spirits) in a way of direct indirect experience with God and Angels is that what I had said about God and Angels(Spirits) had been understood in different religion or knowledge due to the existential origin of God and Angels(Spirits),,,
The peoples had better come to my communication without any social political economical condition,,,which will be held at least during one year from Year 201004.
If some one is interested in the contents of The Bible but he/she cannot be satisfied with current preaching in Church or with way of religious life in Church, or
if some one is interested in religion but he/she cannot distinguish the world of mankind from the world of God and Angels(Spirits), or
if some one who wants to find out any way to know the existence of God and Angels(Spirits) through direct experiences with God and Angels(Spirits) in the future, or
if some one has been involved into any action to tell me that what I have experienced and known about the world of God and Angels(Spirits) from my childhood of Year 1965-77 for me, such as in a way of dream or ventriloquy or phenomena by the power of the frontal lobe of brain or afterimage or 'being possessioned by GhiShin(Ghost;Spirit)' or result of made-up show or etc,
if some one wants to deny what I have said or what I have written in and favorite's blog 1 and 2 and 3, because my physical body had been hurted or injured by chemical herbal physical attack, which is related to misunderstanding about Whole Armor and Strongness and other expression in The Bible,
if some one wants to deny what I have said or what I have written in and favorite's blog 1 and 2 and 3, because some one knows me, especially drinking or smoking or sexual harassment or nate(laziness) from one's own biased knowledge about this world, from my childhood or my family,,,
if so, it can be a little help to the peoples even with words from the viewpoint of understanding what is essential point in this world and from committing sins and crimes to other one's social activity and life. Nobody can say that there will be a miracle during my conversation.
If some one has used contribution money, which had been mentioned during Year 1965-77 from several internal external companies and persons, to be used for my current writing and its book-publishing and its movie-producing and so on in the name of Saint Mary, Christ Jesus, The Bible, Miracles Of Creation of any material which is useful for mankind, Competition, Leadership, Charisma,,,in the area of composition, book-publishing, performance, movie-producing, and so on,
If some one has used contribution money, which is not related to the contribution money for any business related to my current writings, to be used for my political activity after this current writing-concerned businesses and so on in the name of proxy, or realization of ideal into national policies, or efficiency of money usage, or any other made reason, and so on,
if so with evidence to deny the truth of my words in the name to deny any cooperation caused by other one's request, or to deny contribution money, or etc, it can be a little help to the peoples even with words from the viewpoint of what they should do as one of human being who has come from human beings from the beginning of this mankind regardless of one's religion and one's nation and one's race instead of committing sins and crimes to other one's social activity and life.
Nobody can say that there will be a miracle during my conversation.
I was in one scene which can be seen '차마고도의 길‘(KBS 방송),, at my childhood of Year 1965-70. It happened from South Korea to the places while God and Angels(Spirits) had tried to find out some place which seemed to be suitable for me and my heavenly missionary work. Other realized person could say something that he realized during one's physical spiritual activity within human being as one of human being in this world. But, believable or not, in case of me who would prove the existence of God and Angels(Spirits) who are different from human being's soul or spirit and who have not any physical body nor physical existence from the viewpoint of human being's physical material concept, and in case of me who would write about what I have known about God and Angels(Spirits) from what has happened from God and Angels(Spirits), the problem was that peoples could happen to misunderstand the difference between I and God and Angels(Spirits), and the difference between human being's soul or spirit and God and Angels(Spirits), and also the difference between human being's physical spiritual result or status and God and Angels(Spirits), and the difference among several religions which has one's own independent area, due to the non-physical-material, invisible, inaudible, invisible, living, existential origin of God and Angels(Spirits) and wrong knowledge about the world of God and Angels(Spirits) and wrong knowledge about religion and wrong knowledge about human being or this world and so on.
There was not any steal of God and Angels(Spirits) in that area. My nationality is not related to that area. There was another boy who had been involved into that kind of religious activity. I do not know about him but I told about the identity of God and Angels(Spirits) and the relation between mankind and God and Angels(Spirits).
Someone's proof activity from one's own direct real communication with God and Angels(Spirits) and its result is not against the fact that a certain organization takes a charge of missionary work in certain country by its long time's schedule. If a certain organization, which takes a charge of missionary work in certain country by its long time's schedule, thinks that it can control or manage or dominate someone's proof activity from one's own direct real communication with God and Angels(Spirits) and its result, it is the result of misunderstanding about The Contents Of The Bible or Missionary Work or Belief or the world of God and Angels(Spirits) or human being's own direct real communication with God and Angels(Spirits) or etc. from the viewpoint of social interests and power. So, it is better to change one's mind about it in order to avoid one's sins and crimes by violating other one's own thought and act and social life or by violating the heavenly missionary works from the world of God and Angels(Spirits).
The Film Scenario.
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