
There are many good places for peoples to live, but there are many restrictions for peoples to move or to do something. It is not related to only the issue of nation. Nation had been developed as a result of the activities of peoples and, as a result of it, the kingly rule had existed as we can guess it by our history. Right now, we have several political systems, such as democracy or socialism or communism or constitutional monarchy or etc, to do national works or peoples-related works or as a way of life.

Those political systems are not related to the development stage of history but those political systems are related to the results of activities of peoples to live equally liberally as human being, who is born of human beings, in each era of mankind, even though we cannot say the beginning of mankind in a way of scientific way or in a way of human being's cognition. But, the fact that human being is born of human beings can be said in common and there is difference between parents and sons or daughters and there is difference among twins or triplets and each human being has several thousands' history of mankind in one's own physical body and human being is biologically similar to each other regardless of the color of skin or the appearance of physical body or outward appearance.

If the theory of the divine right of kings is translated into the fact that there have been some kings who have met and communicated with and travelled with Spirits as God or Angels, it would be right in these days by the history of mankind and the history of communications between mankind and Spirits as God or Angels. All the things in the world of mankind are not directly related to the world of Spirits as God or Angels, even though this world and all the creatures in it had been created by the power of Spirits as God or Angels and all the created existences have lived or existed or operated or worked as the rule or theory of creation. There are many things to explain it, and the truth that human being has physical body in which soul of human being exist but Spirits as God or Angels are existentially invisible inaudible intangible Spirit and do not have physical body can be one reason which has been explained by lots of phenomena during the history of mankind. The truth that Human being is living existence who lives daily life with one's own cognition, thought, response, activity,,,and Spirits as God or Angels is also living existence who lives daily life with one's own cognition, thought, response, activity,,,can be one reason which has been explained by lots of phenomena during the history of mankind.

The theory of the divine right of kings is not related to the contents of Chapter 13 of Romans of The Bible. The contents of Chapter 13 of Romans of The Bible try to say; Human being is human being regardless of belief or not, because human being was created according to the contents of The Bible. Many visible invisible things happen in the society of human beings from activities of human beings, as times go by, which is not related to sins and crimes between human beings. Belief is related to 'how to live as human being' with belief in the existence of the world of Spirits as God or Angels regardless of one's job or knowledge or talent or ability or business or money or social power or social status, which have been made by the results of activities of human beings. Peoples happen to neglect social activities including nation and social power or status and money and physical material, if peoples can know the existence of the world of Spirits as God or Angels, and peoples happen to neglect peoples who do not do social activities including nation and social power or status and money and physical material, if peoples can have social status and powers, therefore both has to respect each other regardless of one's social religious activity and status, which have been made after the existence of human beings and also the existence of the world of Spirits as God or Angels.

There is meeting or communication between mankind and Spirits as God or Angels and, as a result of it, there is a performance of power of Spirits as God or Angels to tell about the existence of the world of Spirits as God or Angels. The result had been recorded as The Bible. So, to find out someone who can communicate with Spirits as God or Angels or to validate someone's relation with Spirits as God or Angels based on the word or the expression or the phrase or the miracles of The Bible and also the word or the activity or the phenomena which has been conducted through someone from Spirits as God or Angels can be easily led to interrupt the chance to know the existence of Spirits as God or Angels as a result of communications between someone and Spirits as God or Angels. Why?

There are many good ways to co-operate between this area and our country without any victim.

One of ways is to build,,,

One of ways is to,,,

One of ways is to,,,

the following is not the translation of the above,

지금 현재 많은 이간과 농간이 사람 간에 있고 사람의 인생과 사회 경제 활동을 해치는 것으로 나타나고 있는 것처럼 보인다.

정치 활동 분야이든 종교 활동 분야이든 또는 다른 어떤 분야이든 나의 활동과 직접적인 관련이 없는데도 나로 인하여 각자의 각 분야에서의 활동이 제한을 받거나 방해를 받거나 심지어 다른 곳으로 이동을 해야 하는 것으로 생각을 하는 사람들이 제법 많은 것처럼 연기를 한다.

내가 43년 동안의 인생에서 만나고 대화를 하고 동행을 한 사람들에 대한 판단을 통해서, 즉 '유유상종' '끼리끼리' '친구 따라 강남 가기' '여자는 나의 운명' '복궐복' '지역별 사람별로 개념화 객체화' 등의 방법을 통해서, 또는 사람의 외형이나 형식으로 사람의 내용과 본질을 결정하는 방법을 통해서, 나의 정치 경제 종교 관련 활동을 판단을 하게 되니 이곳 저곳에 연락을 하는 포스트에서 나에 대해서 전적으로 무엇인가를 잘못 알고 있거나,

특정한 활동 분야에서의 일로서 지금까지의 인류사에서 존재한 지식의 개념만으로 새로운 발견이나 지식이나 사람의 활동을 분류를 하여 각 분야별 그리고 각 분야의 섹터별 피라미드 구조를 만들고자 하는 것으로 인하여 발생하는 현상일 것이다.

그 배경은 무엇일까?

앞의 사실은 대한민국의 5천 만명의 국민이 헌법에 따라서 각자의 할 일을 추구할 수 있는 사실과는 무관한 사실이며 그 동안 우리 사회에 존재를 했던 정치 종교 경제 분야의 특정한 활동 방식에 대한 말이며 지금 현재 약 5년 동안, 매일, 작성하고 있는 나의 글이나 나의 정치 활동 등에 대한 것도 마찬가지의 경우임.

믿을 수 있거나 없거나,

최근 2-30년 동안의 사회 활동 방식을,

특히 정치 활동 관련 활동 방식을,

공생 기생 숙주 멘토르 딜러 복궐복 등의 특정한 방법이나 방식으로 고정해서,

Spirits as God or Angels의 실존과 정체성에 대한 증거에 관한 것이든,

그 결과로서의 책의 출판 영화나 만화의 제작에 관한 것이든,

대선출마의 정치 활동에 관한 것이든,,,

지금까지의 지식으로만 개념화한 유교 도교 불교 무속신앙 이슬람교 기독교 그리고 기독교 내에서 유태교 카톨릭교 프로테스탄트교 등의 것 중에서 선택을 할 수 있게끔,

지금까지의 지식으로만 분류화한 민주주의 정치제도를 추구하는 조직, 사회주의 정치 제도를 추구하는 조직, 공산주의 정치제도를 추구하는 조직, 공동체를 추구하는 조직,,,속에서 활동을 할 수 있게끔,,,

상황을 만들었을까?

앞의 사실은 대한민국의 5천 만명의 국민이 헌법에 따라서 각자의 할 일을 추구할 수 있는 사실과는 무관한 사실이며 그 동안 우리 사회에 존재를 했던 정치 종교 경제 분야의 특정한 활동 방식에 대한 말이며 지금 현재 약 5년 동안, 매일, 작성하고 있는 나의 글이나 나의 정치 활동 등에 대한 것도 마찬가지의 경우임.

198 안데스 - 1부 잉카의 마지막 후예를 찾아서

199 안데스 - 2부 정복의 기술 2009-06-30

200 안데스 - 3부 하늘의 신, 콘도르 2009-07-01

201 안데스 - 4부 태고의 땅, 알티플라노 2009-07-01

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