Helicopter makes lots of winds in the sky,

Those Winds Deliver Lots Of New News to the world like the whispers of winds,

Currently, we have lots of ideal organizations which try to plan one's life regardless of one's wills or intentions for one's life by using organizational power and monetary powers and organizational social statuses,,,but those plans are just destroying one's life due to planner's ignorance of their own abilities and target's abilities, especially due to shady or illegal transactions among mischief-makers or swindlers,

Currently, we have lots of ideal organizations which try to make competitive situations between human beings abilities and the power of Spirits as God or Angels by using the person who tries to prove the existence or the identity of Spirits as God or Angels like in The Bible, but those plans are just destroying human's life due to planners ignorance of their own abilities, targeted humans abilities who talks about Spirits as God or Angels, lack of existential difference between human beings soul and human beings flesh, and also lack of existential difference between human being and Spirits as God or Angels like between beasts or bugs or plants or stones and human beings, especially due to shady or illegal transactions among mischief-makers or swindlers,

Currently, we have lots of ideal organizations which try to show human being greatnesses by using the competitive situations between human beings abilities and the power of Spirits as God or Angels by using the person who tries to prove the existence or the identity of Spirits as God or Angels like in The Bible, such as making computer errors or making medical experiments on living physical body by using lots of medical drugs and so on, but those plans are just destroying human's life due to planners ignorance of their own abilities, targeted humans abilities who talks about Spirits as God or Angels, lack of existential difference between human beings soul and human beings flesh, and also lack of existential difference between human being and Spirits as God or Angels like between beasts or bugs or plants or stones and human beings, especially due to shady or illegal transactions among mischief-makers or swindlers,

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