007, 제8편, 죽느냐 사느냐, Live and Let Die, 1973,
문화예술 Culture And Art/영화, 인생, Film, Life 2008. 2. 22. 02:52007, 제8편, 죽느냐 사느냐, Live and Let Die, 1973,
In which similar scenes could be appeared and what is the contents of my conversations with similarities?
How could I have been here considering my life time up to now, such as elementary school, middle school, high school, university, army service during university from Year 1986, one year’s high school teacher, 10 years’ salaried man, the day 20010816, and then walking around several cities in South Korea since the middle of Year 2003?
How could I have been here considering my life time up to now, whatever words could be said about I and my traveling companions’ appearance and disappearance through The Air, such as actual transportations equipments like UFO, or vision, vision by glancing at pictures, dream, instant special movement,,,by the power of Spirits as God or Angels caused by the promised method between I and Spirits as God or Angels at my childhood, or vision, vision by glancing at pictures, dream, instant special movement,,,by human being’s physical conditions which can be possible at certain conditions?
007, 제8편, 죽느냐 사느냐, Live and Let Die, 1973,
There was one person whose voice really sounds good. What kind of cards prophecy was made regardless of our journeys? Where is the actual place where The Mark, only authorized person permitted, and where traffic accident happened with the upper part of bus being cut by bus’ collision against the obstacle. Where is the actual place of Hotel where a snake appeared in a bathroom? Where is the actual place of lake where lots of crocodile and alligator were? Where is the actual place of room where a fortuneteller was with cards and the cutting scenes of 007’s hands were performed? Where is the actual place of streets which is called as Halem, as it was the scene of The Film, ‘Die Hard’?
No soliciting. or No hawkers. or No Peddlers. 잡상인 출입 금지 a bar off-limits to soldiers 군인 출입 금지 바 a ban on performance 《of》;a stage ban 상연 금지
Where is the actual place of streets where a bomb bombed near by National Park and also by Subway Station?, or where spring water was?, or where I took a taxi, in the scene of The Film, ‘Die Hard’? Where is the actual place of streets where lots of trucks entered in and came out? Where is the actual place of water tank where two cops were tied to water tank? Where is the actual place of school which is the place of bomb installation? Where is the actual place of bank where a big explosion of bomb was?,,,,other lots of places.
Where is the actual place of airport where a big explosion of airplane was? Where is the actual place of airport where sever fights among several actors were? Where is the actual place of airport where a church was with white snow? Where is the actual place of airport where there was gunshots between Bruce and other actors?,,,,other lots of places.
121 분 / 15세 이상 관람가
장르 액션 / 어드벤쳐
국가 영국
감 독 : 가이 해밀턴 (Guy Hmilton)
출 연 : 로저 무어 (Roger Moore) .... 제임스 본드 / 야펫 코토 (Yaphet Kotto) .... 카낭가 / 제인 세이모어 (Jane Seymour) .... 솔리테어 / 클리프턴 제임스 (Clifton James) .... 페퍼 / 줄리어스 해리스 (Julius Harris) .... 티 히 / 조프리 홀더 (Geoffrey Holder) .... 사메디 / 데이빗 헤디슨 (David Hedison) .... 펠릭스 라이터 / 글로리아 헨드리 (Gloria Hendry) .... 로지 카버 / 버나드 리 (Bernard Lee) .... M / 로이스 맥스웰 (Lois Maxwell) .... 머니페니 / 토미 레인 (Tommy Lane) .... 아담 / 얼 졸리 브라운 (Earl Jolly Brown) .... 휘스퍼 / 로이 스튜어트 (Roy Stewart) .... 쿼렐 주니어 / 론 새튼 (Lon Satton) .... 해롤드 스트루터 / 매들린 스미스 (Madeline Smith) .... 카루소 /
각 본 : 톰 맨키비츠 (Tom Mankiewicz)
제 작 : 앨버트 브로콜리 (Albert R. Broccoli) / 해리 살츠만 (Harry Saltzman)
음 악 : 조지 마틴 (George Martin)
촬 영 : 테드 무어 (Ted Moore)
편 집 : 버트 베이츠 (Bert Bates) / 레이몬드 풀턴 (Raymond Poulton) / 존 셜리 (John Shirley)
의 상 : 줄리 해리스 (Julie Harris)
원 작 : 이안 플레밍 (Ian Fleming)
24시간 동안 뉴욕, 뉴 올리언즈,산 모니크에서 세 명의 영국 요원이 잇달아 피살된다. M의 지시를 받은 제임스 본드는 CIA 요원 필릭스 라이터와 함께 사태의 규명에 나선다. 헤로인 시장의 독점을 통해서 미국 경제를 지배하려는 산 모니크의 수상 커냉가 일당의 계획을 저지하기 위해 본드의 추적이 시작되고, 그 와중에 아름다운 카드 점술사 솔리테어와의 사랑이 무르익는데....
로저 무어가 제임스 본드로 처음 등장하는 007 시리즈 8탄. 매혹적이며 비밀에 싸인 점술가로 나온 제인 세이무어는 스타 대열에 올라선 뒤 이후 텔레비전에서 맹활약했다. 폴 매카트니의 주제가 < Live and Let Die >는 당시 빌보드 차트 2위까지 오르며 큰 인기를 누렸다
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