Attachment for One Of Proof Of Lives
First Of All, thanks the concerned persons for unexpected situations which have resulted from various types of attempts to know the existence of Spirits as God and Angels, and the identity of Spirits as God and Angels, and also to know the power of Spirits as God and Angels, in the ways which also the concerned persons can think or guess or know within their own knowledge and information about religions and beliefs and the identity of Spirits as God and Angels.
From the viewpoints of current situations to write down what has happened to me and my life, it leaves something to be desired is that the concerned peoples have not had scientific theological knowledge about religions and also Spirits as God and Angels, that the used or mobilized methods have lacked scientific methods a little, that also up to now I could not have remembered what have happened to me in my childhood and also during my life since my childhood as mentioned in detail in my other writings,,,even though the concerned persons have had some interests about the existence of Spirits as God and Angels and the concerned persons have been exposed to knowledge about religions and the identity of Spirits as God and Angels through lots of ways including our traditional Shaman, our other traditional religious concepts from Buddhism and Confucianism, also The Bible-concerned religions.
One thing to remember or consider is that there have been no intentions or actual activities to violate the concerned country’s law and also to steal each actor and also each company’s know-how or technique or skill related to movie studio and film production. There have been just appearance and disappearance of me and my fellow traveler or my traveling companion by unknown or unidentified or unrecognized methods or phenomena from the viewpoints of human technology and human science and human cognition. There have been just several conversations among the concerned peoples for the embarrassing surprising situations like the expressions of several actors, and also for the process to identify each other’s identity, and also for the movie photographing, and furthermore for the existence and identity of Spirits as God and Angels, and sometimes for belief life, religious sin or crime, and the relation between 10 Commandments and calling Christ Jesus by his name for salvation, and rarely for actor’s activities and religious belief. The several conversations among the concerned peoples have proceeded with my presence in real situations or with my vision-like presence like the image of The Movie, Dragon Ball, or without my presence like in a vision and in a dream, but the more importance is that the contents of conversations or what the concerned actors have said could be transferred to me or be cognized by me in the ways of unknown or unidentified or unrecognized methods or phenomena by the power of Spirits as God and Angels from the viewpoints of human technology and human science and human cognition, and as a result of it, some of the contents of conversations could be written in here.
There has been not any conversation among the concerned peoples about the secret information for each country and each company and each actor. The concerned situations have happened in the indoor and outdoor places of domestic and foreign countries regardless of social political economical constitutions and race and nation and country and sex and so on.
If the number of ladies are larger more than that of men in the place where I and my fellow traveler or my traveling companion appeared, it could be any sign for the identity of Spirits as God and Angels or any sign for certain religion regardless of each religion’s religious concept, main religious activity, and main religious pursuit, and especially the identity or the existential origin of Spirits as God and Angels, and furthermore the belief of the concerned person?
In same case, the number of social political economical constitutions, such as democratic country or socialist country or communist country, the number of certain race, or the number of certain nation, or the number of certain country, could be any sign for the identity of Spirits as God and Angels or any sign for certain religion regardless of each religion’s religious concept, main religious activity, and main religious pursuit, and especially the identity or the existential origin of Spirits as God and Angels, and furthermore the belief of the concerned person?
In same case, the social political economical constitution, race, nation, country, sex, and so on of the concerned lady who could have baby by praying to God, or Spirits as God and Angels, it could be any sign for the identity of Spirits as God and Angels or any sign for certain religion regardless of each religion’s religious concept, main religious activity, and main religious pursuit, and especially the identity or the existential origin of Spirits as God and Angels, and furthermore the belief of the concerned person?
If there is any time to think about religion and the existence of Spirits as God and Angels, I really wish that peoples think about the meanings of the words of each religion and also the relation between the meanings of the words and required human activities.
And also if there is any time to think about the existence of Spirits as God and Angels and The Bible and belief and religion, I really wish that peoples think about what Spirits as God and Angels try to say through the prophets from Genesis to Revelation about minimum 2,000 years ago, or what The Bible tries to say which is the record of what have happened between humans in this world and Spirits as God and Angels about minimum 2,000 years ago, or what The Prophets from Genesis to Revelation tried to say through their lives and also communications or traveling together or miracles with Spirits as God and Angels,,,
If someone can communicate and travel together with invisible inaudible intangible Spirits as God and Angels and also can perform some miracles by the power of Spirits as God and Angels above-human-cognition, in current times, in Korea, where lots of traditional religious concepts exist together which are quite different from the original concepts of Spirits as God and Angels, and also where human social positions or statuses have more powerful influences on what peoples tell the truths, and also where what has been said by an child could be translated into what an adult can understand with his/her own knowledge, (of course this kind of social situation is ubiquitous in eastern or western regions and old or modern times), and also where lots of human technical developments can make instant miracle-like phenomena compared to about 2,000 years ago including visionary images of movie and medical skills, and especially where lots of peoples have been accustomed to more sensational, more powerful, more interesting, more instant, more show-like,,,scenes and events, and where lots of religious verbal knowledge about The Bible can capture human’s thought or minds or spirits instead of real experiences and communications with Spirits as God and Angels and also instead of real belief life of 10 Commandments of Exodus or 2 Commandments of Matthew of The Bible, as one of natural processes of human knowledge development,,,what kind of activities can be expected or revealed from the person who can communicate and travel together with invisible inaudible intangible Spirits as God and Angels? Is what can be expected or revealed from the person not related to historical social cultural situations of the society of the person who can communicate and travel together with invisible inaudible intangible Spirits as God and Angels?
Even in the era of 2,000 years ago, when lots of communications with invisible inaudible intangible Spirits as God and Angel had been possible in quietly different situations compared to current times’ situations, what the prophets had done might have been conducted or revealed through their lives by the power of or by company of invisible inaudible intangible Spirits as God and Angels.
There were a group of persons who came to me at my childhood;
One was a gentleman from a long distance island who tried to say him as a member of King and tried to take me to his country, because he is my parents. They left me at my hometown in
Is it possible for human being to recognize his/her parents or to recognize their son/daughter, if they have never seen each other after a child is born? Originally or basically, it is almost impossible from the viewpoint of human cognition and feeling and emotion, even though there is a kind of native or instinctive feeling between parents and sons and daughter. Especially, in case of a prophet in The Bible who can communicate with Spirits as God and Angles in the sky and make one’s life with Spirits as God and Angles in the sky, it is more impossible from the viewpoint of human cognition and feeling and emotion, even though there are Spirits as God and Angels who can tell the child the truth of what peoples try to say and also there is a kind of native or instinctive feeling between parents and sons and daughter.
Anyway, as I said it at my childhood, I could not follow him and also I could not go anywhere, especially during several years when I had to make some remarkable and memorable events or phenomena with the invisible inaudible intangible Spirits as God and Angels at my hometown of South Korea in order to prove the existence of Spirits as God and Angels in this world as a mission of the world of Heaven or the world of Spirits as God and Angels, because I had something to do here in my hometown and in South Korea because of my communications with Spirits as God and Angels in the sky in The Bible. Is it understandable?
Instead, please help me about my age 40, when I was in very difficult situations due to several reasons which would have been caused by only several un-understandable situations by only several persons, when I would do something related to proving the existence and the identity of Spirits as God and Angels and also I would write down something related to the existence and the identity of Spirits as God and Angels about more than minimum 50 books and also I would do something for my political careers to become President in Korea,,,and please help me long time later, when I would do something to become Pope in The Vatican of Rome ,,,and furthermore please help me through my life, when I would do something to buy Korea by earning or making money. If there are so many things for you to help me, please try to help me with what you can help me. What would be the best way in which you can help me to achieve my goals or to solve my problems? Those things were caused when I told about the existence of Spirits as God and Angels with my communications with Spirits as God and Angels.
One was a gentleman from worldwide intelligent organization of this world to know something about mankind’s history and future and whatever is related to mankind and this earth and this universe. There was a President of Korea and there was a missionary or a future Pope from the Vatican of Rome, also.
The important thing is not the real identities of their Social Statuses,,,What kinds of things were expected from me, who talked about the existence of Spirits as God and Angels and also the communications with Spirits as God and Angels, from them or from mankind’s old knowledge about the relation between King or President or Pope of this world and Heaven or the world of Spirits as God and Angels? Also what kinds of things were expected from me as a small child who tried to say something about Some Beings or Some Seins or Some Existences of Heaven or the world of Spirits as God and Angels but did not know anything about human and this society and this world? When I did not know about King or President or Pope of this world, or when I did not know what I did at my hearing those kinds of words from the concerned peoples, even though I said that I was King of Jew and also would be President or Pope of this world, what kinds of conversations had been made between the concerned peoples and I from the viewpoints of human cognition as a child and also the growth of a child and also for the world of Spirits as God and Angels?
When they showed some unexpected expression on their faces to me and said nothing about my responses on what they said about themselves, what kinds of words or what kinds of expression were made from me? You are A King of an island whom many peoples know but I am a King of Jew whom only myself and Spirits as God and Angels know. Anyway, You and I are King versus King, is there any problem between You and I for this kind of conversations and attitudes? (cf. King Of Jew is some kind of figurative meaning and does not have any political or social or cultural or racial or national meaning as far as I know through my cases or my experiences at my childhood or through my life’s experiences up to now. It might be a kind of communication status between human being and Spirits as God and Angels. There might be lots of peoples who can communicate with Spirits as God and Angels, normally, or when there is a proof for the existence of Spirits as God and Angels from the world of Spirits as God and Angels. Also, Jew might mean the people who can communicate with the world of Spirits as God and Angels in the beginning of this mankind. When did we use the concept of race or nation or country as a word?)
You are a President, now and I would be President in the future as same human from small child to an adult by time’s flying. You and I are President versus President, is there any problem between You and I for this kind of conversations and attitudes? (Before talks or conversations, there were several questions from me to RPP; What is President? I know the word, President, but what is President? What does President usually do? Do peoples listen to what you say well? Our peoples usually do farm work. It is very important to me, because I will be President in the future due to the power of what President says. Who tell you about your becoming President. I by myself. If I want to be something, I will be something, If I want to be President, I will be President, That’s all! Is there any problem for me to become President! No! If peoples elect someone as President by vote, Someone will be President in
--- OMISSION ----
(May be, right now, I can guess that there was some intervention by Spirits as God and Angels in the sky in order to make something remarkable for both, me and the person who introduce himself as President in Korea, for the future to prove the existence of Spirits as God and Angels or for the future to write books, more than 50 books, near to 100 books, according to the speed of time when peoples realize something about themselves, about the existence and the identity of Spirits as God and Angels…)
Or do you want to have a round of big fight with me for the destruction of this, here, this land where I stand on, (this earth)? How many friends do you have who will come to help you, when you have a fight for something? Actually, the number of peoples is not important to me, but I just ask it of you in order to give you a chance to do your best what you can do and also in order to let you know what will happen in this, here, in this land where I stand on, (this earth), because when we fight for something, like this, here, this land where I stand on, (this earth), we do not directly kill or harm peoples. Instead, we destroy or explode something. What do you have when you have a fight for something? How do you fight with the invisible thing? What I try to say can be visible audible tangible to me, but what I try to say is usually invisible inaudible intangible to most of peoples. What do you want from me, when you have a fight for this, here, this land where I stand on, (this earth)? Do yon want to cut or split or explode or bomb or pop or bang, or whatever you express, this, here, this land where I stand on, (this earth)? Do you have something to fly away, when you cannot live in this, here, this land where I stand on, (this earth)? How long can it fly away? How many peoples can be there? Do you know something else or somewhere to live on instead of this, because you cannot live here, when we cut or split or explode or bomb or pop or bang, or whatever you express, this, here, this land where I stand on, (this earth). With what? With some kind of light or a ray of light or a beam of light by invisible intangible power! Or with My Mind! By whom? By me, but not this one but that one, not by me whom you can see with your eyes, but by me whom you cannot see with your eyes. Do you understand what I try to say to you? Is it understandable? How can I explain about this phenomenon? Can you see something in the sky above my head? No? This can be done by Some Beings or Some Seins or Some Existences or Spirits as God and Angels in the sky above my head. I whom you can see with your eyes am just a human, a small human, weaker than other humans, but I behind me or whom you cannot see with your eyes am not human. I behind me or whom you cannot see with your eyes am Spirits as God and Angels in the sky. So, I whom you can see am one person or one man, but actually I whom you can see am not alone. There are lots of ‘I’s, not this ‘I’ but other ‘I’s, in he sky. They are always ready to come to here, on this land where I stand, (this earth), whenever I call them, while I am in here, this land where I stand on, (this earth). If I call them to cut or split or explode or bomb or pop or bang, or whatever you express, this, here, this land where I stand on, (this earth), it is not a game, it is not a joke, it is not a word, it is real. If we say we do, we do, we wage a war, even though there are other ‘I’s who do not want to cut or split or explode or bomb or pop or bang, or whatever you express, this, here, this land where I stand on, (this earth). Threat? What is threat? I talk about what I know about this world and that world which you cannot see and also you do not know as far as I know during my talks with you. It is not easy for me to tell about Spirits as God and Angels, even though Spirits as God and Angels really exit, because you do not know it and also you cannot see it by yourself. Whenever I said about some phenomena from Spirits as God and Angels whom I got to know by myself or by Spirits as God and Angels, there were some persons who tried to show some kinds of hostilities to me. Sometimes several person asked me about Spirits as God and Angels, and then I said about something, at that time they tried to show some antagonism to me like crazy person, Is it also any problem to you like other several persons that I got to know about Spirits as God and Angels in the sky by myself or by Spirits as God and Angels in the sky? Is it also any problem to you like other several persons that I talk about this world and that world which you cannot see and also you do not know?
The Day will come, when we, not this ‘I’ but other ‘I’s, in he sky, cut or split or explode or bomb or pop or bang, or whatever you express, this, here, this land where I stand on, (this earth), but the coming of The Day depends on peoples’ minds and attitudes toward the existence of Spirits as God and Angels in the sky in The Bible. If peoples do not know the existence of Spirits as God and Angels in the sky in The Bible, and if peoples misunderstand the existence of Spirits as God and Angels in the sky in The Bible, and if peoples do not know how to live, even though peoples know the existence of Spirits as God and Angels in the sky in The Bible, to live together without committing sins and crimes is so difficult and the result will be same. If you know yourself, or if you listen to your minds, or if you read The Bible, basically, you can know how to live and also you can know the existence of Spirits as God and Angels in the sky in The Bible. --- Omission ---)
(The actual words or the conversations between I and the person who introduce himself as President in Korea could not be like this, because at that time I was a little boy who knew several words and several expressions and also who knew only something in my hometown village about human beings and human society and human custom and so on except for the world of Spirits as God and Angels in the sky. But the main stream of conversation could be similar to the above contents. Why could The President Of
You will be A Pope and I will be a Pope as same human from small child to an adult by time’s flying. You and I are Pope versus Pope, is there any problem between You and I for this kind of conversations and attitudes?
The difference between You and I is; You are an adult. I am a Child. You are big. I am small. You speak English. I speak English and Korean but a little,,,The difference You and I can be solved by time’s flying. Also, You and I are same as human being. Is there any problem between You and I for our this kind of conversations or this kind of attitudes? There were a series of conversations between the concerned peoples and I about several issues which peoples wanted to know by the power of Spirits as God and Angles, if possible…
There were peoples who came from several places of our country, such as KyungSangBukDo and DaeGu and AnDong and GeoJaeDo and JeonRaDo and ChungCheongDo,,,the conversations between Visitors and Me have been written in more than 50 books up to now.
One comment for this kind of dull, uninteresting, situations;
Some unaccountable situations from the viewpoints of right now, when I write down what has happened during my life of about 40 years, might have been caused mainly by the identity of Spirits as God and Angels, such as invisible inaudible intangible above-time-space, and also might have been caused mainly the fact that the relation between human being and Spirits as God and Angels is really rare, and also might have been caused mainly the fact that the relation between human being and Spirits as God and Angels can be usually said by human experiences and by the visible results through human being from invisible inaudible intangible power of Spirits as God and Angels,,,
Some unaccountable situations from the viewpoints of right now, when I write down what has happened during my life of about 40 years, might have been caused by our traditional customs for the relations among human beings; whatever truths or facts or words have been said by someone, the truth of what has been dependant upon the concerned person's age or social position or something external that is not directly related to knowing nature or essence or substance. Of course, this kind of social phenomena is somewhat common figure of mankind, even there is the difference of degree.
The pregnancy by the power of Spirits as God and Angels;
If a lady prayed to God, or Spirits as God and Angels, in the area of someone's presence and had a baby without sexual relation or without medical process between the lady and the concerned man, what kind of words can be said about the situation? There are lots of ladies who want to have babies but do not want to marry man due to our social status or our social customs which can be some kinds of unspeakable violence or brute force,,,
Long time later, if the lady wants to marry someone, because the lady gets to love someone, what kinds of activities can be taken from the lady and the man to marry her? And what kinds of words can be said in the situation?
The performance of the power of Spirits as God and Angels caused by the promised method between me and Spirits as God and Angels at my childhood about 30~40 years ago;
There is a person who talk about the existence of Spirits as God and Angels, and also about the identity of Spirits as God and Angels, and also about the power of Spirits as God and Angels,,,there is an promised method between the person and Spirits as God and Angels since the person's childhood,,,as an actual situation of this world, the person had been in the status in which the person could not have remembered what had happened during 10 years of the person's childhood and also the communications with Spirits as God and Angels, until the person can write down about something related Spirits as God and Angels through his life story around his age 40, except for Year 1986 around the person's age 20 by unexpected-by-Spirits-as-God-and-Angels-but-by-our-social-situations,
There are several persons who want to know the real existence of Spirits as God and Angels, and also the real power of Spirits as God and Angels, but who cannot have any direct communications with Spirits as God and Angels,,,so, there is nothing which can be said by several persons who want to know the real existence of Spirits as God and Angels, and also the real power of Spirits as God and Angels, except for telling what have happened to them with the person who can communicate with Spirits as God and Angels by the method which was made between the person and Spirits as God and Angels.
The person who walked in the Seoul City suddenly disappeared from Seoul City and then appeared in one place of Europe or America or Asia, such as Soviet or China or North Korea or Vietnam and so on, or the Antarctic Circle or Africa or New Zealand and so on and then disappeared from those places and appeared in one place of Korea....what can be said about the situation? And if this kind of situation can be possible in a vision or in a dream, what can be said about the situation? There was nothing except for the person's appearance and disappearance, as real appearance or visionary appearance or in the dream or in the vision or etc,,, Furthermore, as something in common in the above situations by unknown or unidentified or unrecognized methods or phenomena from the viewpoints of human technology and human science and human cognition, there were conversations, which can be written in this current writings, between Me and actors or the concerned peoples, as real appearance or visionary appearance or in the dream or in the vision or etc,,, what can be said about the situation?
When I went to the house of my aunt(?), who was called as GalRae GoMo(do you know why?), house about 35 years ago when I was a little child, there was the image of a person who hanged himself on a bamboo. It seemed to be someone whom my aunt got to know. May be the person tried to test his life on the fracture of a bamboo, but the bamboo seemed to be enough strong to hang the person on it. Anyway, the image disappeared soon. Also, there were some moving images of snakes in the forest of bamboos, but those moving images disappeared soon, too. But, at that time there was a person who tried to say hostile words to me, as if he tried to do hypnotherapy to me, as there were several persons who tried to say negative words to me or to my phenomena, and as there was a person who tried to call me by other person’s name.
Believable Or Unbelievable, from my viewpoints at my childhood, it was just one of lots of above-verbal-expressions to see something in cubic alive scenes in a vision or in a illusion or in a phantom,,,If you can stand in a sky like a scene in a Chinese chivalrous chivalric heroic movie without your own will or power, or if you body can be lifted up in the sky without your own will or power, or if you can hear some sounds which whisper in a long distance without your own will or power, or if you can see the appearance and disappearance of tiger, which is made in cubic alive scenes in a vision or in an illusion or in a phantom by the power of Spirits as God and Angels, like real animals in my house in the front of you,,,by unknown or unidentified or unrecognized methods or phenomena, which was made by the power of Spirits as God and Angels which responses to the promised method between I and Spirits as God and Angels according to a kind of proof method for the existence of Spirits as God and Angels, from the viewpoints of human technology and human science and human cognition,,,what kinds of thoughts or minds can you have in your normal life?
This kind of conversations was made among peoples in the Bus which I took to come back to my hometown, and most of peoples did think it as normal phenomena in our unaccountable world and universe, but only certain persons did think it abnormal and they did try to say the phenomena of Spirits as God and Angels as the phenomena of human being’s soul after human being’s physical death under the pressure of the thought that this world is human’s world, as if they fell into a fit of convulsions due to the communications between human beings and Spirits as God and Angels or the existence of Spirits as God and Angels. What kind of words did I say about the situation that they did try to say the phenomena of Spirits as God and Angels as the phenomena of human being’s soul after human being’s physical death?
Also, during I went to ride bus in order to go back to my hometown, there were several farmers who talked about the phenomena and the person that I saw last evening, when I asked about Bus’ Time Schedule and several other things. So, what kind of words did I say to them? What kind of words did they say to me from the viewpoints of social political interests in human society and also from the viewpoints of the change of peoples’ minds according to the flow of time compared to yesterday?
As far as I could know as a child of 35 years ago, there used to be some person who usually stuck to one word or one expression among peoples’ conversations in here and there and, as a result of it, the word or the expression led to some excuse or pretext or pretense for making some hostile activity to a certain person someday. Also, there seemed to be some person who tried to incite or tempt peoples to do certain targeted activities like the above case, death or fracture of bamboo. I did not know who they were and also who finally led to that kind of trial, but during conversations among peoples in here and there, there seemed to be that kind of person who showed that kind of conversational styles and also there seemed to be that kind of person in a invisible place.
When I and my traveling companions appeared in the indoor swimming pool of a house of the movie, ‘Educator’, about several years ago by unknown or unidentified or unrecognized methods or phenomena, which was made by the power of Spirits as God and Angels which responses to the promised method between I and Spirits as God and Angels according to a kind of proof method for the existence of Spirits as God and Angels, from the viewpoints of human technology and human science and human cognition, there was an image of a dead person like one scene of past or current or future movie in bloody swimming pool, but the image of a dead person disappeared soon as soon as I finished saying about the image of a dead person. Was there a murder case in the concerned house?
Of course, this kind of situation could be possible in a vision or in a illusion or in a phantom, which was made by the power of Spirits as God and Angels which responses to the promised method between I and Spirits as God and Angels according to a kind of proof method for the existence of Spirits as God and Angels, in some place in Korea by the combination of several informational facts; someone thought some information about the concerned house in someone’s thought or mind, and Spirits as God and Angels read the information in someone’s thought or mind, and also Spirits as God and Angels read what someone wanted to know about the concerned house, and so on.
Also, this kind of situation could be possible in a dream, which was made by the power of Spirits as God and Angels which responses to the promised method between I and Spirits as God and Angels according to a kind of proof method for the existence of Spirits as God and Angels, by the combination of several informational facts; someone thought some information about the concerned house in someone’s thought or mind, and Spirits as God and Angels read the information in someone’s thought or mind, and also Spirits as God and Angels read what someone wanted to know about the concerned house, and so on.
Of course, there would be lots of various situations and various variables according to the concerned person’s minds or attitudes or beliefs toward Spirits as God and Angels, or according to the communications status between the concerned peoples and Spirits as God and Angels, or according to the concerned peoples’ information quality about what the concerned peoples want to know, or according to Spirits as God and Angels,,,there exist lots of Existences or Beings or Seins in this visible or invisible world including human being,,,peoples see or read or know human and all the things in this world and this world in his/her/human way regardless of human ability,,, Spirits as God and Angels may see or may read or may know human and all the things in this world and this world in the way of invisible inaudible intangible above-time-space way regardless of the omniscient and omnipotent power or ability of Spirits as God and Angels.
Believable Or Unbelievable, there are some similar examples; when someone wants to know about the Angel Falls in order to know the identity and the power of Spirits as God and Angels whom I tired to talk and also to know whether what I tried to say about Spirits as God and Angels in the sky is true or not at my childhood about 35 years ago, I asked the concerned person to think about what he knew about Waterfall, i.e. what he wanted to know, in his thought or mind because of my ignorant of Waterfall, and then the power of Spirits as God and Angels showed lots of Waterfalls in this world in a vision or in a illusion or in a phantom to me by reading what the concerned person think about Waterfall, i.e. what he wanted to know, in his thought or mind. And I explained what I could see about Waterfalls in this world in a vision or in a illusion or in a phantom in the sky to the concerned person, then I asked which one the concerned person wanted to know.
Spirits as God and Angels can see lots of Waterfall in this world, but I did not know what is Waterfall at all about 35 years ago, because there was not any Waterfall in my village, and the Angel Falls was named for Waterfall in some place of this world by someone, and the concerned person knew only the name of The Angel Falls with what is Waterfall in commonsense.
Believable Or Unbelievable, some similar situations happened when several peoples wanted to know about something past or present in this world. Of course, sometimes I could not get any response from Spirits as God and Angels, and sometimes I could not communicate with Spirits as God and Angels, even though Spirits as God and Angels had made frequent communications with me and lots of phenomena to me in order to let peoples to believe what I tried to say and also in order to find out suitable ways to show the power of Spirits as God and Angels to prove the existence of Spirits as God and Angels to the peoples whom I had met in my hometown during my residence at my hometown. All the things related to Spirits as God and Angels have been dependent upon the will or the power of Spirits as God and Angels according to what have happened to me during my life, even though there was promised method between I and Spirits as God and Angels for the peoples who really would know the existence of Spirits as God and Angels in the way of what I tried to say or explain. Anyway, what kind of things could the concerned peoples know from me during my residence at my home town and since I left my hometown at my age 10 from the viewpoint of human cognition.
When I and my traveling companions appeared in the place where I and my traveling companions could see HaRong Bay, such as the sky of HaRong Bay or on the boat in HaRong Bay or some land near by HaRong Bay, by unknown or unidentified or unrecognized methods or phenomena, which was made by the power of Spirits as God and Angels which responses to the promised method between I and Spirits as God and Angels according to a kind of proof method for the existence of Spirits as God and Angels, from the viewpoints of human technology and human science and human cognition, I could see some image of dead person who floated on the water of HaRong Bay with his face down, as if it is one scene of a past or current or future movie. The image of dead person who floated on the water of
Of course, this kind of situation could be possible in a vision or in a illusion or in a phantom, which was made by the power of Spirits as God and Angels which responses to the promised method between I and Spirits as God and Angels according to a kind of proof method for the existence of Spirits as God and Angels, in some place in Korea by the combination of several informational facts; someone thought some information about the concerned Bay in someone’s thought or mind, and Spirits as God and Angels read the information in someone’s thought or mind, and also Spirits as God and Angels read what someone wanted to know about the concerned Bay, and so on.
Also, this kind of situation could be possible in a dream, which was made by the power of Spirits as God and Angels which responses to the promised method between I and Spirits as God and Angels according to a kind of proof method for the existence of Spirits as God and Angels, by the combination of several informational facts; someone thought some information about the concerned Bay in someone’s thought or mind, and Spirits as God and Angels read the information in someone’s thought or mind, and also Spirits as God and Angels read what someone wanted to know about the concerned Bay, and so on.
When I and my traveling companions appeared in one place of Building of Kang Nam Area in Seoul City by unknown or unidentified or unrecognized methods or phenomena, which was made by the power of Spirits as God and Angels which responses to the promised method between I and Spirits as God and Angels according to a kind of proof method for the existence of Spirits as God and Angels, from the viewpoints of human technology and human science and human cognition, I could see some image of a circle of standing peoples surrounding certain persons, such as man and woman(?), and also some image of several peoples who came and went to do something, as if it is one scene of a past or current or future movie, or as if there was preparation to produce film. But I could not see detailed scene about a circle of standing peoples, and also I could not approach that place, because there was some kind of invisible block which seemed to be similar to the one of my hometown at my childhood, when I could see cubic alive visionary scenes of animals or zoos or savannah or Korean Traditional Wrestles, SSiryum, or Japanese Traditional Wrestles, Sumo, or factories or Penguin of South Pole or Waterfalls in South America or Big Flat Rocks, Tepuy, or Statue Of Liberty or cities including running cars and buses and subways or Indian’s battles on running horses or peoples’ riding in a sledge or elephants with big white horn(elephant tusk) and gray big hose for water or horses with two lumps (Camels with two humps) on sands like sands in the seashore of my hometown or men with lots of white goats(sheep) or lots of chimneys with white and black smokes or 시커먼스(peoples with black colors and black-colors-painted peoples with yellow teeth and black-colors-painted peoples with spears) or other characteristic important scene of each region of this earth,,,by the power of Spirits as God and Angels in the sky in order to help me to have clear concepts for the existential identity or the power of Spirits as God and Angels in the sky. There was a screaming sound from a lady and soon a laughing sound from a lady and a man and men. But, the concerned images which seemed to be in a long distance disappeared soon, when I tried to tell it to my traveling companions. What kind of words could be heard from my traveling companions? What kind of words could be heard from screaming peoples? Mankind was created in this earth to live each one’s life creatively, joyfully, peacefully, happily,,,in this earth.
When there was a talk about illusion or phantom or visionary scene of human being even from the viewpoint of human physical nature, is it strange? Illusion or phantom or visionary scene of human being is just one aspect or one condition of human phenomena during one’s life even from the viewpoint of human physical nature. So, illusion or phantom or visionary scene of human being by the power of Spirits as God and Angels could be also just one phenomenon among lots of phenomena in this world or in this universe regardless of the truth of illusion or phantom or visionary scene of human being, if someone believes in the existence of Spirits as God and Angels.
The voice of the people is the voice of God. (속담) 국민의 소리는 신의 소리, 민심은 천심이다. [cf.] vox populi vox Dei. /
the [a] still small voice 〖성서〗 세미한 소리(양심의 소리; 열왕기 상 ⅩⅠⅩ: 12).
the voice of conscience 양심의 소리.
가는 말이 고와야 오는 말이 곱다. [속담] Nice words for nice words.
호랑이도 제 말하면 온다. [속담]Talk of the devil, and he is sure to appear.
말 한마디에 천냥 빚도 갚는다. [속담] One should be wary of one’s words. Or, your tongue can make or break you.
낮 말은 새가 듣고 밤 말은 쥐가 듣는다. [속담] Walls have ears. or Refrain from speaking ill of other people. è Where are walls at my apartment or my residence for writing?
말 많은 집은 장맛도 쓰다. [속담] Everything goes wrong in a bickering family. è Which places have many words these days?
등잔 밑이 어둡다. [속담] We are apt to overlook important things that lie near hand. or It is often difficult to see what’s right in front of your eyes. è Which place will be under lamp?
핑계 없는 무덤 없다. [속담] A pretext is never wanting.
비록 성경에 전지 전능이란 말이 있고 심령을 관찰한다는 말이 있지만 존재론적인 형상이나 형체가 있는 Spirits as God and Angels의 능력에 대한 사람의 언어적인 표현이고 기본적인 배경으로서, 사람과 Spirits as God and Angels 사이에 Communications이 필요하고 발생을 할 수가 있는 상황에 대한 이해 결핍이고, 이 세상에 존재를 하는 만물에 대해서 오감과 육감 등 사람의 육체적인 기능에 의한 사람의 인식 방법과 전적으로 영의 존재인 Spirits as God and Angels의 인식 방법에 차이가 존재를 할 수 있는 것에 대한 이해 결핍이고, 이 세상에 존재하는 만물에 대해서 사람과 사람이 언어로 및 지식으로 의사 소통을 하는 것은 사람의 언행에 의한 것이지 사람의 인지 능력을 초월하여 존재를 하고 있는 Spirits as God and Angels과는 직접적으로 관련이 없는 것이니 동일한 사물을 두고서 서로 간에 인식을 하는 방법이 다를 수가 있는 것이고, 이런 현상은 동일하게 이 세상에 존재를 하고 있는 사람과 짐승이나 곤충 등이 동일한 사물을 두고서 달리 인식을 하는 것과 마찬가지의 현상일 것이고 조금 더 말을 하면 사람과 사람 사이에서도 때때도 서로 다른 언어나 표현을 사용을 하고 서로 간에 경험하고 체험하는 내용 및 정도에 차이가 존재를 할 수도 있는 것이고 조금 더 말을 하면 사람과 사람 사이에서도 때때도 동일한 언어나 표현을 사용을 하지만 서로 간에 경험하고 체험하는 내용 및 정도에 차이가 존재를 할 수도 있는 것이고 500명의 사람들이 매주 만나는 공간 안에서 A라는 사람에 대해서 500명이 말을 하면 같은 것도 있을 수 있고 다른 것도 있을 수 있고 상세히 말을 하면 할수록 그 차이가 클 수도 있을 것이고 본질적으로 동일한 것에 대해서 서로 다른 언어적인 표현 및 이해를 할 수도 있는 것이고,,,그러니 이 세상에 존재를 하는, 특히 사람에 의해서 만들어지고 창조된, 사물에 대해서는 비록 사람과 Spirits as God and Angels이 인식을 한다고 해도 서로 간의 인식 방법 및 인식된 정보가 다를 수가 있는 것이므로 이 세상에 존재를 하는, 특히 사람에 의해서 만들어지고 창조된, 사물에 대한 것과 사람과 Spirits as God and Angels의 존재를 서로 연관을 짓고자 할 때는 사람과 Spirits as God and Angels 서로 간에 의사 소통이 절대적으로 필요한 것이고 그래서 기도가 필요한 것이고 때때로 응답이 있는 것이고 그러나 그 응답에 대해서 사람으로서의 이해가 필요한 경우도 있는 것이고,,,
그러니 누군가가 Spirits as God and Angels의 능력으로 알고 싶어하는 사실에 대해서 자신이 알고 있는 정보에 대한 자신의 생각이나 마음이 읽히게 된 것인지 또는 실제로 알고 싶어하는 사실에 대해서 Spirits as God and Angels의 능력으로 알 수 있게 된 것인지를 두고서, 즉 아주 중요한 사실을 두고서, 진실 게임과 같은 장난을 치는 경우도 사람과 사람 사이의 언어적인 의사 소통의 방법인 일상의 대화를 이용하여 중간에서 이간과 농간의 말을 만들어 오해와 원한 관계를 만들어 가는 것과 일정 정도는 유사한 경우가 아닐까 싶다.
비록 운동화를 신고 걸음을 걷지만 중세 시대의 기사들이 걸음을 걸을 때와 유사한 소리나, 또는 20080121일로 시작되는 주 중에 지동의 모처에서 컴퓨터 및 인터넷을 이용하여 글을 쓰고 있을 때 음식 배달하는 사람이 걸음을 걸을 때 나는 소리가, 들리는 것과 연관된 상황은 무엇일까? 최초 유언비어가 발생하게 된 진원지? 근원지? 배경?
Spirits as God and Angels과의 직접적인 경험 및 체험 등의 부재에 의한 영향이 큰 것으로서 사람이란 존재와 Spirits as God and Angels의 존재론적인 본질적으로 전적으로 다르고 그 결과 영혼을 가진 물질적인 존재인 이 세상의 사람이 사람의 능력을 행하고 발휘하게 되는 방식 및 과정과 비록 사람 및 사람의 영혼과는 본질적으로 및 존재론적으로 다르지만 전적으로 영의 존재인 Spirits as God and Angels이 전지 전능의 능력을 행하고 발휘하게 되는 방식 및 과정이 전적으로 다른 것 등에 대한 이해 부족 및 Spirits as God and Angels이 이 세상의 사람과의 교통 및 동행 및 기적을 통해서 Spirits as God and Angels의 능력으로 Spirits as God and Angels의 실존을 증거하고 Spirits as God and Angels의 세계의 사명을 감당을 하는 목적이나 현상에 대한 이해 부족 등에 기인을 한 것의 영향이 크겠지만, 전적으로 Spirits as God and Angels의 능력으로 사람이 사는 이 세상에서 할 수 있는 할 일을 찾는 다는 명목으로 사람이 사람에 대해서 시비를 거는 현상으로, 즉 사람은 어느 누구나 이 세상에 존재를 하고 있는 존재로서 각자의 경험과 체험과 인지 한 것과 지식 등으로 말을 하면서 살고 있고 각자의 경험과 체험과 인지 한 것과 지식 등이 이 세상에 존재를 하는 것이든 사람의 인지 능력을 초월하여 존재를 하는 것이든 항상 동일한 것이 아니고, 특히 시간의 흐름이 존재를 하니 그런 현상은 더더욱 뚜렷하고, 그 중에는 사람의 인지 능력을 초월하여 존재를 하는 Spirits as God and Angels에 대한 것도 있을 수가 있고 심지어 사람에 의해서 만들어지고 창조된 것 중에서도 다른 사람과 동일하게 공유를 할 수가 없고 당사자만이 알 수 있고 가질 수 있는 것도 있는데 사람이 사람에 대해서 시비를 거는 현상으로, the power of Spirits as God and Angels에 의해서 지구 촌 이곳 저곳으로 공간 이동이 가능하게 될 때도, 특히 앞에서 및 이미 다른 글들에서 언급한 것과 같이 지구 촌 곳곳에서 행해진 영화 촬영 리허설 장소들로 공간 이동이 가능하게 될 때도, 환영이나 꿈과 같이 가상과 같은 현실이든 실제의 the power of Spirits as God and Angels에 의한 순간적인 공간 이동이든 실제의 인류의 교통 수단에 의한 이동이든 등등 실제로 나와 동행을 하여 the power of Spirits as God and Angels의 능력과 실존을 경험하고 체험을 하면서도 이 세상의 일과 사람과 Spirits as God and Angels의 존재를 엮어서 장난을 치는 경우도 일정 정도는 앞과 유사한 경우가 아닐까 싶다.
출연 배우나 촬영 장소나 줄거리 등의 영화 정보에만 의존한 후 Spirits as God and Angels과의 약속된 방법에 의한 Spirits as God and Angels의 능력에 의해서, 또는 앞의 연속 선상으로 입체의 살아 있는 현실과 같은 환영에 의해서, 또는 앞의 연속 선상으로 꿈에 의해서, 또는 실제 현실의 교통 수단에 의해서 등등, 그러나 지금까지의 우리 사회의 Spirits as God and Angels의 존재론적 본질 및 정체성 등에 대한 이해 부족으로 인하여 제 3의 관련자가 마치 주술사나 술법사나 영능자 등이라도 되는 줄 알고서 행할 수 있었던 철없는 행동에 의해서, 볼 수 있게 된 리허설 장면들은 몇 장면들이나 될까? 그리고 주고 받은 대화들은 무엇에 대한 대화들이었을까? 감사할 일들이다.
(참고로, 철 없는 행동이란 말이 상대편의 인격이나 품위의 손상과 연관을 시킨 의미는 전혀 아니고 단지 Spirits as God and Angels의 invisible inaudible intangible above-time-space한 존재론적인 속성과 그 결과 비록 사람들이 Spirits as God and Angels의 실존과 교통과 동행과 기적의 능력 등에 대한 말을 하지만 Spirits as God and Angels과의 직접적인 경험 및 체험이 전혀 없는 사람의 입장에서, 물론 Spirits as God and Angels과의 직접적인 경험 및 체험이 있어도 심령을 다한 기도의 결과로 발생하는 몇 번의 기도의 응답이나 깨달음이나 영감 등의 경우와 같은 일회적인 현상들에 대한 것이 대부분인 사람의 입장에서, 그것도 각자의 종교와 종교 생활 및 신의 존재, 즉 영의 존재, 즉 Spirits as God and Angels과, 신앙과 신앙 생활 등에 대한 이해와 지식과 가치관 등이 나름대로 확고하게 있는 사람의 입장에서, 실제로 Spirits as God and Angels의 실존과 교통과 동행과 기적의 능력 등을 볼 수 있는 경우 및 현상이 동행하고 있는 누군가를 통해서 그리고 실제로 Spirits as God and Angels의 실존을 알고 싶어 하는 사람들을 위해서 누군가와 Spirits as God and Angels과의 사이에 약속된 방법에 의해서 나타날 수 있게 되고 그 과정에 동참을 하게 되었다고 하더라도 그런 현상 자체가 실제로 성경에서 말을 하고 있는 Spirits as God and Angels의 실존과 교통과 동행과 기적의 능력 등을 직`간접적으로 알 수 있는 인류사적으로 아주 중요한 현상들로 인식이 되기 보다는 단지 이 세상의 이해 관계에 구속이 되어 있는 사람의 입장에서 사람의 정치 경제 종교 등의 이해 관계에 의해서만 이해가 되게 되고 그 결과 사람의 정치 경제 종교 등의 이해 관계의 일부 행위로만 여겨지게 되는 것에 대한 표현에, 즉 동일한 현상을 두고 서로 다른 시각으로 보게 되는 현상에 대한 표현에, 불과한 말이다. 철 없는 행동이란 말이 언급이 되게 된 것도 지금까지의 나의 삶 속에서 나와의 동행인들 모두를, 특히 지구상의 이곳 저곳을 Spirits as God and Angels과의 약속된 방법에 의한 Spirits as God and Angels의 능력에 의해서, 또는 앞의 연속 선상으로 입체의 살아 있는 현실과 같은 환영에 의해서, 또는 앞의 연속 선상으로 꿈에 의해서, 또는 실제 현실의 교통 수단에 의해서 등등의 방법으로 여행이나 순간 이동을 할 수가 있게 될 때의 나와의 동행인들 모두를, 나아가 전적으로 Spirits as God and Angels의 능력으로 사람이 사는 이 세상에서 할 수 있는 할 일을 찾는 다는 명목으로 사람이 사람에 대해서 시비를 거는 현상으로 the power of Spirits as God and Angels에 의해서 지구 촌 이곳 저곳으로 공간 이동이 가능하게 될 때의, 특히 앞에서 및 이미 다른 글들에서 언급한 것과 같이 지구 촌 곳곳에서 행해진 영화 촬영 리허설 장소들로 공간 이동이 가능하게 될 때의, 나와의 동행인들 모두를,,,알 수 있는 것은 아니고 내가 나와 동행인들을 직접적으로 명확하게 인지를 할 수 있었던 것도 아니지만 때때로 내가 인지를 할 수 있을 때의 동행인들은 대체로 내가 모르는 중`고등학생 정도의 학생들이어서 언급을 하게 된 말에 불과한 것이지 특정한 누군가를 지칭한 말은 아니다. )
The Film Scenario Of Ten Production,
'문화예술 Culture And Art > 영화, 인생, Film, Life' 카테고리의 다른 글
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감사할 일들과 ''처럼'' (0) | 2008.03.18 |
지적 가치와 phenomena by the power of Spirits as God or Angels, (0) | 2008.03.18 |
In Front Of Chain-Of-Command (0) | 2008.03.18 |